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"What is your release schedule?"

Our release schedule varies depending on the book!

For our current project, we release translations twice a week.

A new chapter is published every Monday and Friday. 

"How does the monthly membership work?"


Thank you for subscribing to Polychromatic Prose Translations!

After you indicate your monthly membership option,

you will be able to submit your payment.


The advance content will be shared via Google Drive with the email that is connected to your Patreon account. If you would like to receive the advance content through another account, let us know when you confirm your monthly membership subscription. You may also let us know by sending us an email. All of the translated chapters are separated into individual Google Docs.


The link is private and unique to your order. All of the advance chapters will be sent to you automatically within a day of your purchase. The link is constantly updated. Whenever a new chapter is released on our official website, extra chapters will also be added to your Google Drive.


"Where can I make a donation?"


Thank you so much for your support!

The details are on our donation page.

"Is there a forum where I can discuss the novel with other readers?"

Yes! The discussion spaces are located

directly beneath each translation release on WordPress. 

"Are you open to requests?"

We are open to requests through our contact form!

"I have a question about something in the novel."

"I noticed an error."

"I would like to learn more about a certain topic that is mentioned in the novel."


You may submit questions through our contact form!

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